


Use the Firestone on 6 Savage Dragons and report back to Soliskar the Wise.


Once again, Soliskar's voice comes from the seneschal's mouth.

While the raven carries the letter, I will ask you for one more favor.

What do you see in the Astral? The Octulhu! A terrible astral creature that is a threat even to me. My faithful servants - the drakes - are going to attack it again. But you need to give them the Firestones before the fight. With their help, the drakes will do it faster.

I will cast the Friend of Dragons spell on you so that the drakes will not attack you. Go and give them 6 stones.


Please, take these firestones to my little dragons. They're having a tough time out there as it is and if we don't help them, they won't stand a chance against the octulhu!


Thank you for your help! My dragons are just little creatures, but what they lack in size they make up for with valor and loyalty! Just watch them spin joyous somersaults in the air when this filthy beasts finally croaks! Try your raven again - it should be close by now!


Experience: +5520

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