Forced Alliance



Ask Masters about forming an alliance following an order of Laura de Grandeur.


I have been thinking all this time... It's nice when war brings no casualties - soldiers resurrect and are thrown into battle again. But after the death of thousands, feelings mold into a sense of meaninglessness. A week later, soldiers make jokes with the enemy and drink together.

Oh, Tensess, do I really grumble about your divine gift? Do I really want people to die again forever? It's time to wake up!

We need to establish an alliance with Masters. As far as I know, you have the best opportunity to follow the path of the great Ath-Zak. Seek out the Masters as he once did and discuss nothing but a hopeful and peaceful future.


We agree only the triple alliance. The League and the Empire should put aside their petty war, then we will help you.

There is a beautiful tale about a wonderful planet where everybody has enough space, but its inhabitants strive to live close together. They understood that, together, it's easier to move forward. "Only through sharing others' misfortunes and joy can we truly feel alive. Together, we become one with the planet's essence and soul". Those were their exact words.

But one terrible day that planet shattered into pieces. The inhabitants became as lonely as the planet's drifting shards, swallowed by the Astral plane. The soul of their world has been splintered and they became estranged from each other...

I hope that you understand the meaning of this story and you can help me finish it with a happy ending from the present.


Experience: +2550

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