Astral Physics in Action



On request of Lord Dray, kill 10 Ravenous Predators with the help of the ZIT Gadget.


My name is Lord Dray as I am responsible for ensuring the Chosen One's orchestra plays consistently note by note. Otherwise, we all fail on the first night. Prove that the Empire is ready to reject hatred and prejudice, and our alliance will be signed.

This device was developed by the leading scientists of the Empire in ZIT. It generates the flow of anti-Astral elementary particles opposed to typical Astral components. Demons are known to weaken outside their native environment, such as hippos without water. Under the radiance of this translocator, demons start losing their power faster. Strange environment forces them out.

This device will help you to fight against demons, but most importantly, gives you a chance to feel respect for your enemy.


So, how convenient is the translocator? After killing demons with it, you will wish you always have it when you bust demons.


So, the device has been tested and I see you are reluctant to return it. That's good. Unfortunately, it is almost useless against the demons of the new breed. They are already more capable of staying in our world, but I'm sure that with time, scientists of Zem will invent something against them.

Do you now understand why it is so important for the League to act in cooperation with the Empire? Combining the achievements of your church and the fruits of scientific thought from the ZIT, you will become the strongest alliance in history. Think about it. Is it not tempting?


Experience: +3825

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