Ancient Guards



Activate June Golems with the help of the Overlord's Rod. The results must be informed to Lord Zullo.


I promised to give you one more hint of our secret identity. Take this rod and activate it with the help of ancient golem guards. Their ancient battle exhausted their forces. You need to recharge them.

Bringing the rusted back to life will help lead you the right way.


You have to activate enough golems to hold the remains of demons away from the central hills.

I am increasingly worried that many Chosen Ones will not have time to finish their Path.


Very efficient devices, aren't they? They're composed of an extremely sophisticated system and complex algorithm. That's why it is difficult for others except the creator to command the golems. Zem, despite his breakthrough in mechanics and prosthetics, failed to create anything like that.

I can already see a spark of understanding in your eyes. The answer has not yet surfaced from your subconscious, but it is already inside you. Give it time to settle.


Experience: +3750

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