Valuable Information



Report all this to Gammon the Tempestuous. He's waiting for you at the outpost.


It turns out that neither the draconids nor the wormfaces ever trusted Nihaz. In fact, they'd been plotting against him for a while. Biding their time, they distracted the Master and then struck when the timing suited. Their goal is the Dead City. It's not so much the town they're after, but there's something hidden there, some kind of a powerful artifact that the Overmind, Nihaz, and the Fiery Father all want. I'm worried that we'll never learn anything until we head to the Dead City to see all this with our own eyes.

Go to the outpost, find Gammon, and tell him what we know. He's dumb as a chunk of meat, but he can get the information where it needs to go. Better to have the League and the Empire know what Nihaz and our former allies are planning. It seems to me that all the strange things happening here in the Misty Lands are eventually going to reach the outside world.


What d'ye want?


And were you able to find this spying little pissant? Good, let her keep crawling. Or else she'll spoil my discipline with her dubious morals. When would you ever see a commanding officer contradicted in front of subordinates? Better to be a... what d'ye call it... a mercenary. Hah!

But don't worry, I'll pass the information along. Let those city bureaucrats worry about all that bollocks. We've enough to do as it is.


Experience: +855

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