


Win the race by visiting every one of the Circles of Power on the track. The route: the Rotten Ruins, the Swampy Pass, the Palace Square, the Wretched Corner, the Watchtower, and the cultists' camp.
  • The Circle entered
  • Start
  • Circles of Power completed 5/5
  • Finished in the cultists' camp
  • Readiness confirmed


Ah, you're just in time. I've just come up with an experiment that could turn our understanding of modern science on its head!
You see, my area of research is the capabilities of Sparks outside the body. I need all the volunteers I can get. You will help me, won't you?
All I need you to do is to make you Spark leave the body and run the course I've laid out for you. That is, the Rotten Ruins then, through the Swampy Pass, to the Palace Square, then around the Wretched Corner to the Watchtower, and finish here, in the camp. It is simple as that, you have to enter the Circle of Power here and wait for the start signal. There is another Circle of Power like this one at each of the five points that you have to visit.
To give you some motivation along the way, we'll have a bit of a race: you'll be competing with other volunteers. Those that come in the top 3 will get a valuable prize!
So come here when it's time to race! The race schedule is on your calendar.


Hey you, how're you feeling? Nothing hurts? Great! My hypotheses were correct. We are on the brink of an amazing scientific discovery. Or, at least, I think we are.


Thanks for participating. The science appreciates your contribution. Maybe your name will be on my list of guinea pi... err, I mean, my assistants!
I'll send you your prize in the mail. That's it for now. You can relax. I need some time to analyze the data before we can repeat the race.



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