The Path to the Bottom



Find the Profession Book and return it to Yuri Pronin.


How cruel life is! I'm a Xadaganian, the son of the great Empire, and here I am sitting hat in hand at the square! You want to know how I managed to sink so low? I'll tell you.

I wanted to become a master of a profession. I spent a lot of time choosing the right job and when I finally made my decision, I asked one of the Imperial artisans to take me as an apprentice.

They gave me a warm welcome and then I did the most important thing of all - I bought the training book. But I didn't get to read it! It got stolen! And I was left without any money to buy another one.

That's how I ended up with nothing... I wish I could find that thief! I'm sure he's somewhere around here - he's probably one of those black hyenas! Oh, how I want my book back! I'd get back to my studies and earn a fortune in a second!


Ahh... Where are you, my little book... life in this world is hard without a profession...


Oh! This is it! You found it! I'm saved!

Thank you!

I hope my story taught you a lesson! Choose your profession wisely and keep your book safe! Getting a second chance to become a Master costs a fortune!


Experience: +450

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