Where am I?!



Use the Ancient Megaphone to call for ZIT workers, helping Sarang Nar realize which world he belongs to.
  • Ancient Megaphone used


What is this place? Where am I? Who are you?

I remember... I was sick... Hurt... Dying. Then... Death! Am I resurrected?

Can anybody explain me what is going on here?!

Look, I have this Ancient Megaphone with me. Use it to call for help. Shout out loudly - someone will hear you and come to my aid.


I don't understand...

Horrible world. Grass is faded, trees are small...


Oh, it seems my fellows will help me to sort it out. Thank you. This megaphones is a great thing. Do they still exist? I'm sure you can find some in the Boutique. They are very helpful.


Experience: +340

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