Portal to the Dead City



Once you've triggered the Stabilizer, enter the portal under the Palace Square.
  • Stabilizer used near the portal to the Dead City


I want to repay you for your service to us. I know you are trying to reach the Dead City... And we are in a position to help you. As you know, the ancient portal to the Dead City is highly unstable. It's been flickering, and jumping into a flickering portal is a good way to lose your Spark. But it's not all bad.

We've designed this portal stabilizer so that we could get more of our warriors through to the Dead City. Luckily for you, we haven't had a chance to use it yet. Now I'd like to give this priceless invention to you. Trigger the stabilizer before you approach the portal. If our calculations are correct, the way to the Dead City will open up ahead of you.

I have faith that the wisdom of Sarn will some day help you see the light. But don't forget that once we've left the boundaries of this island, those that trust the false god Nihaz will never know peace from us again.


What are you doing here? Was the Dead City too tough for you?


What is this? It can't be! The portal has closed and even the Stabilizer didn't help?
I don't even know what to tell you. I will pray heartily for the God of Light to tell us what to do. In the meantime, please accept this humble gift. It's the least I can do to repay you for your efforts.


Experience: +5800

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