Roar of the Wind



Slay the giant living at the Seven-Winds Cliff and blow the horn, then return to the Wind Master.


Here isss the third trial that I am tasssking you with. The mossst difficult!
An old giant livesss here, on the cliff. Hisss name isss Kean the Thunder-Roar, and every morning the sssound of hisss war horned, proclaiming my glory, can be heard above the sssea. But hisss time long hasss passed, and he wishesss for death... It isss not right for sssuch a powerful creature to die from old age. Giantsss like him mussst die like warriorsss, with weapon in hand!
Climb to the top of the cliff and challenge the giant. If you can ssslay him in battle, blow hisss horn, proclaiming my glory, and you shall receive my blessing!


An old horssse won't spoil the harvest. Isssn't it what you mortalsss sssay?


I heard the horn. You have the valor and courage of the giantsss. Let Kean the Thunder-Roar ressst in peaccce - the lassst echo of hisss horn will forever be carried by the wind. You completed your trial!


Experience: +3965

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