Strange Critter



Report Silvia de Vevre's words to Voibor Ratov in the League Camp.


Well, it's time to wrap up. Won't you help us break our camp? Oh, you are in a hurry... I understand. Oh well. Fair enough, not every Elvish maiden can hope for a valiant knight at her side...
Oh, and another thing. Since you are in such a hurry to get back to the camp, take this with you. I don't know about our wanna-be scouts, but I actually did see someone interesting while waiting for the Brainiacs' return. A small and furry critter wandering outside the camp. At first I thought that it was one of my companions, but then I saw it. I don't know what it was, but I can say for certain that it was no gibberling. I wanted to get a closer look but then it just ran off, leaving behind some orange peel. It's nowhere to be found at this point, but you should report it to Voibor Ratov just in case. Let him do something about it, I don't know... like double the camp sentries or whatever. Now go. I will break camp and carry the tents back to the settlement by myself. I hope I don't get eaten by some tropical monster on the way back. Come on, go already! Weren't you in a hurry a minute ago?!


I get it. Let me get this straight. Silvia saw something she didn't recognize, the creature ran away in a direction she didn't see, and now she wants me to do something about it. Now this is what I call valuable information!


Experience: +315

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