So Shall We Win!



Capture all the sites of power in the Misty Hollow and report to Yaver Anoom.
  • Northern Site of Power captured
  • Eastern Site of Power captured
  • Southern Site of Power captured
  • Western Site of Power captured


The pagans surely err about the most important things, but their religious mishmash contains some gleams of truth. For example, this swamp, besides holy stumps, snags and tussocks, has four sites of power very similar to what we saw on Asee-Teph. Their properties vary, but that doesn't affect our strategy. We must do everything to capture all of the sites and keep them as long as possible while holding back the League. That's not only a matter of pride. Each site of power emits a strong current of mystical energy that helps those who tame it get stronger and more experienced faster. If all four currents are controlled by one side, all Imperial soldiers will gain strength in combat. It's worth fighting for, eh?


While capturing the sites of power controlled by the League, don't forget about ours. Check them just in case - what if the enemy is preparing to recapture?


I can feel the energy of the sites of power fill the air. Now, the earth itself is helping the Empire in combat! Yet it's too early to relax: we can't loosen our grip, or the League will retake all we have in an instant.


Experience: +7750

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