The Lost Trail



Find soothsayer Krie's house.


Klavdia? Is that the crazy woman in greenish rugs? So that’s how this cold blooded killer called.

We once dug into an old cellar full of gold, and just as we started grabbing the coins, I guess, we nudged some kind of an old portal, that’s what we did. Ruins, you know... So the portal activated, and a bunch of cutthroats with this Klavdia entered the cellar.

They noticed us in an instant, and we were forced to accept the fight. The thugs were easy to beat, but not her! She’s real crazy, I tell you! Her spells made half of my guys fall into ashes right at the spot. And then she just left. Just like that.

Where she headed, I wouldn’t want to know that, but I guess, to Skytower. Where else? I suggest you ask Krie, she’s wise and sees many things.


I smell a stranger’s spirit! Choo! Who are you?


That’s what it is... So what are you doing here?


Experience: +6825

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