Unfinished Armor



Retrieve 20 Iron links from birds around Lower City and bring them back to blacksmith Dandy Joll.


I knew it wasn’t so simple!
A man knocked on my door one night and offered an armor for sale. That armor was so old and battered, I didn’t want to buy. So he threw it over the fence to my garden, turned around and walked away. I picked it up the next morning, of course, why would it just lay there?
A few chainrings were missing - I guess, magpies could steal them. Find them and bring back to me, I’ll help you fix it.


About twenty links are missing from this armor...


This armor is really old. I tried my best and fixed it, but I'm no god, you know. 'S all I could do, see? One good blow, and it'll shread away. Here, if you really want it, there's nothing else I can do about it. I have some decent ones for sale, though!


Experience: +13065

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