Helping Hand



Deliver the message from Aidenus to Catherina in Skytower.


This is sad and frightful news. After Skrakan’s death Umoir tended to radicalism, but I never thought that Catherina was the one to blame. I was wrong. She’s so full of herself, she fancies she’s free to do anything she wants! It’s a disgrace to a great mage!
However, her ambitions don’t bother me much. The Leper troubles me more. We need to study it and learn who stands behind it, whose evil will it is!
Here, this is a letter to Catherina. I’m asking her to withdraw from taking any premature decisions, like wrapping the whole sector into Veil of Mystery. League will help her fight the trouble.


Aha, a message from Aidenus. I won’t even slit it open. I know well enough what he’s saying. That’s "change your mind! think twice! obey!" No way. I can stand alone. I’ve found the way to cure the Leper. Have you managed to find out anything about the Servant of Light? He worries me most.


Experience: +2760

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