Wedding Ring



Kill Barren Flower and take the ring from his belly. Bring the ring to Glum Bogdanov.


The moment that the corrupted monsters attacked our home, I took out my sword at once and started smashing them, and crushing them, and slicing them, and... you get the idea. They’ve been arriving in waves, and one of the bastards sneaked from the behind, and bit me on the hand! I dropped the sword then and ran. It’s no grief that I lost three fingers and the sword. It’s the grief that I lost a wedding ring with one of the fingers. The ring that my beloved fiancee gave me! The only thing I dream about is to get it back, and now that I cannot hold a weapon, how can I do this?.. Will you help me?


So you’ve got the ring, after all!


I would give anything for the ring. Take the reward. I’m going to my fiancee now, she’ll be so happy!


Experience: +6900
  • +500 reputation points with Outlaws

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