The Gods' Debate



Touch the black stone and come to understand its purpose.
  • Part of the Truth
  • Final Word


You are drawn to touch its cold surface. Something drives you to touch it, and you cannot resist the urge...


Greetings, Keeper of the Revelation!

The enemy tried to cloud your mind with false words, and I am happy that you did not give in to his seductive promises!


Unfortunately, as I expected, the alliance with the demons came to nought. the Dead City remains inaccessible...

But don't get depressed! Be happy!

The Master was merciful enough to reveal his thoughts to me. You will get to where you are going. This time, no broken June portals or any of that museum-ready ancient technology.

This time you are going to be witness to the greatest event in the world - an act of Creation! The creation of matter from the astral! We will create our own path to the Dead City!


Experience: +21750

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