Tops and Roots



Obtain 10 roots of Creeping Iceblooms and 15 petals of Frostleafs.


Hey, we've been looking for you!
Herbert told our family to stay within the camp no matter what. He says, local elephants can take us for some furry rats and trample us. We got back at him with a bucket of water spilled by the door of his tent... He slid all the way to the gates, haha! But still, we can't disobey. It's a shame though...
The thing is, we have noticed a couple of very curious herbs around here... They are growing right on the snow! And make a great infusion, by the way. Unfortunately, we have run out of them...
You are allowed to leave the camp, right? Could you do us a favor and bring us some Frostleaf tops and roots of Creeping Icebloom? We will repay with our fine infusion, brewed with a secret recipe!


Oh, bugger. No more beer, no wine, no rum, even all brew is gone - thanks to Choof... How are we supposed to warm ourselves up?


Our brew will be ready any minute now. Then we will add these herbs and make the drink of the gods! Once Tur tried it and then crushed an ice rock into pieces with his horns! The one we were hiding behind, huh.
We're not some kind of drunkards! A jar of fine booze is what we need to survive in this frozen hell.
You want some more? It's all gone now, I'm afraid. If you get us some more roots and herbs, we'll brew it in no time!



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