Silent War




Obtain 10 solid bones and 20 sharp saber-tooth fangs at the Barren Ridge and return to Peter Lukin at the camp.


Hey there.
I heard you were on fighting terms with the Tungars. Honestly, I don't approve of that. But I do understand.
Each soldier of the Empire believes in the friendship of the peoples! But what do we do with the peoples that don't want to be friends with us? I used to be in the frontier troops. And I saw a lot of those who misinterpreted the notion of friendship. In order to hedge ourselves from their friendliness, we set a lot of traps on the border, so that very few of them made it to the middle of the exclusion zone...
Where was I? If you bring me plenty of solid and sharp stuff, I will make you some traps that will break off the feet of those curious bastards!


How is your search going?


Huh... Bones and fangs. I expected something more... metallic. Well, what the heck, sand paper will work if you've got nothing to wipe with... I will make the traps out of these!
Bring some more of these bones and fangs. The more traps we set, the less sword brandishing we have to do. Laziness is the engine for progress!


Experience: +51475

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