News for Aidenus



Talk to Klavdia and deliver her message to Aidenus.
  • Capital returned to
    (Ask Klavdia Kalugina to teleport you to the capital.)


The clock is ticking. While we are talking, several days might have passed in Sarnaut, so listen to me closely.
The Architects are a threat. If they keep on changing and transforming the structure of existence, you won't be able to defeat them. But there are always nuances.
Sarnaut is a prison for gods. Even my daddy got his butt kicked by simple mortals, haha. If the Architects had decided to attack only one allod, it means that their hands are tied. If you stop them now, you can prevent the catastrophe. Tell it to Aidenus!


Klavdia Kalugina? Was she the one who stole Tep's Spark right from under your nose? What is she doing here?
Can you imagine this: I received a message from Yasker which says that some crazy fortuneteller escaped the White Fortress and now makes a fuss at the Council! Where have you been?!


Experience: +2625

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