Weapons of the Fallen


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Level: 66
  • Required level: 66
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Can be completed instantly
  • Zone:
    Free Lands


Collect 12 swords from the dead bodies and give them to soldiers near the warehouse, the hospital, and the alchemist's store.
  • Weapons given to the soldiers near the warehouse 4/4
  • Weapons given to the soldiers in the hospital 4/4
  • Weapons given to the soldiers near the alchemy store 4/4


If you really wanna help, I have somethin' for ya.
We are runnin' short on decent weapons. You can't break through the monsters' shell with a simple bow! So, half of our guards are defenseless, and half of them are lying breathless in the streets.
So go and pick some weapons from the dead bodies. And don't let the monsters destroy the warehouse, the hospital and the alchemy store! Otherwise we are left with nothin'.


If you see a sword - grab it and bring to my soldiers. Those who guard the warehouse, the hospital and the alchemists are fighting barehanded!


I know, it's not a pleasant task, but those who are still alive need those weapons more.


Experience: +10260

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