Till the Last Shell




Find the destroyed supply wagon in the city, repair the crystals and return to Odric de Desirae.


Ah, so you are that Alliance hero who wants to help us fight the Architects? Well, go ahead!
Our cannons use special focusing crystals that allow shooting not only in the Astral, but in any environment. They help us a big deal against the Architects. It's too bad though that the crystals often collapse, and without then a cannon is just a piece of metal.
The supply wagon was supposed to arrive here an hour ago, but it is still nowhere to be seen. What if something happened to it on the way?


Please, hurry! If the Architects attack again, we will have to fight them with our bare hands.


I knew something was wrong. I hope the Architects don't realize the importance of those crystals for us, otherwise we're screwed...


Experience: +10260

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