Generation 1 Banners



Bring ten pieces of sateen cloth.


Whenever they talk about the Aoidos, they always bring up the numerous compatriots who joined the League. It’s true that few of us joined the Empire, but they exist, and I’m proof of that!
It doesn’t matter how many soldiers the League gets. What matters is what the Empire has - and it has Lucia, the best seamstress in the world. And I might not be a mage, but I do have skills.
My magic does not summon thunder and lightnings, but enchanting fabrics, making them tougher than steel? That I can do.
I'll make magic banners for your guild as soon as you bring me the required materials. I need enchanted sateen for first Generation banners. Bring it to me, and I'll get to work. Let your guild leaders decide who should bear it.


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Your guild can now use Generation 1 Banners! They are powerful artifacts that can turn the tide of battle.



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