Generation 2 Banners



Bring ten pieces of satin cloth.


Banner magic is ancient. I heard you’ve been to Kirah and taken part in the ritual of creating a Standard? Or perhaps you’ve hoisted a War Banner at some point? Or performed feats during the May Holidays under a Victorious Banner?
Then you know what I’m talking about! It’s all part of the craft that creates these rare artifacts, and I’ve mastered it to perfection. But to make a banner like this, I need a special material.
To transform your old banners into Generation 2 Banners, I need something better than sateen. I need enchanted satin! Bring it to me, and I'll provide your guild with new banners. Let your leaders decide who will be worthy of bearing them!


Back already?


Your guild can now use Generation 2 Banners! I hope they will help you!



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