There's Just That Moment




Take the chronometer readings in the spots marked by Ursula de Blizare and return to her.
  • First Chronograph set
  • Second Chronograph set
  • Third Chronograph set


So now it is a confirmed fact: time runs differently in this place. But how exactly does it happen? That's a good question. The first one we should answer, actually.
Take these three chronographs and place them in three different spots. If I am right, then they will most likely show different time after a while. I can’t wait to see the results!


Set the chronographs on the north, south, and west from the camp, and I will try and put their readings together into some kind of a consistent theory.


This is it! All three chronographs show different time! And the closer they are to the center of the allod, the bigger is the differnce. I'm sure, time used to run much faster in this place!
Do you understand what this means? What took days in Sarnaut, took years on the periphery of this allod, and decades in its center. Happily for us, the difference is not that big anymore and it keeps declining. This is just incredible! We must reach the center of the allod. I'm sure there we will find the cause of that phenomena.


Experience: +15200

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