Site of Power




Capture the Site of Power and return to Marius de Ardeur.
  • Site of Power captured


Will you do me a favor?
I was charting the magic flows of this allod the other day, and I discovered a curious pattern: the flows cross each other in several places, creating a powerful magic resonance. Then I remembered where I'd seen it before: in the jungle of Asee-Teph. I'm sure there must be something like a Site of Power to the east from here. If you could place my focusing prism next to it, then I could redirect its energy to sustain the alarm spells. You don't think that firecracker trip wire is a sufficient security measure, do you?


So, was I right? Is there actually a Site of Power?


Ha! I knew I could rely on you - thanks to my prism and your sword, we must have really upset the Imperial sorcerers... And now they will most probably attempt to take that Site of Power away from us.


Experience: +4800

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