Hoof Rivalry



Go to the Spiral Ridge and take away Centaurs’ weapons, then bring them to Tur on Dionic Archipelago.
  • Weapons taken away from Centaurs 10/10
    (You can find the Centaurs on the Spiral Ridge.)


You speak wisely! But we’re just mercenaries. We do what they pay us for.
What are you saying? Your stone master wants us to help? Why? Uh... Very interesting. So they want us to roam in the dark corridors and beat up anyone who comes in our way? That sounds entertaining!
But our weapons are designed to kill, and we’re not going to blunt them on purpose. We need something else! And I know where you can find it.
I know there are those Centaurs who keep bugging the locals. We can take their swords and maces, blunt them and use them! That will be completely safe. That’s a good idea, right?


Once we’re done, we’ll blunt their swords!


It hu-u-urts to look at these lame weapons. We don’t even need to blunt these, they aren’t sharp! Oh well, I’m just used to the good stuff... When I was you-u-ung, an ordinary club was enough!
Let’s roll! Tell your master he can count on us. His guys won't fail!


Experience: +16185

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