The Big Game is Calling!



Find Marianne de Ardeur and speak with her.


"My dear {username}, the hero of my people. Every elf knows your name!
Since you are currently busy with the assault on Nihaz's Citadel, I am forced to order you to lay down your arms for the time being. As far as I know, right now your forces are holding their positions and will continue to do so, but a full-blown assault requires preparation. You will have enough time.
You are an outstanding child of our race, someone we all treasure and respect. It is time for you to receive your rewards for your accomplishments. And of course, to do something new.
I order you to visit me in Novograd Church as soon as possible."
Marianne de Ardeur wants you to meet her on a festive occasion. You shouldn't make the Prioress of the Church of Light wait.


Here's your invitation.
Let me tell you what else you need to do.


Experience: +7500

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