Pioneer Dawn



Find out what Eladia wants.


It seems Eladia is sick waiting, and she wants to do something about Alice. Visit the sorcerer on Suslanger and ask what to do.


There you are!Let me try and explain it to you. The Gate-III is ready for opening. We figured out most of the portals too. The Storm will be over after we restart it. The Expedition's forces are also ready. We found a way to transfer ambrosia to Umoir and Yakhch. That's where the main ambrosia tech site is. I caused a scandal, and Yasker agreed to give half of the resources mined here to Catherina. We're all allies, aren't we? As they say, it's peace on Earth and in people's souls.
You need a chronophone. Told you, we can build one. It's going to take time, though. We're building a backup chronophone but it'll take us another... six months.
Do we even have them?
It would seem that Nihaz's problem has been solved. We safely had under our control almost the entire Citadel. Hah. The "Daddy" isn't a simpleton. I know him very well. He's plotting something. It's plain dangerous to keep delaying it.
Which brings us back to Alice.


Experience: +39375

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