Territory Defense: Monster Hunting



Defeat the dragon Illuian in his lair
  • Get to the dragon's lair
  • Kill the dragon Illuian


Sometimes my Children don't listen to me...
Well, such is the fate of every mother, but admonition is also necessary.
Illuian, the dragon you know, sometimes rebels against fate - to be a living witness to the struggle of heroes against monsters. Then I need to calm him down before he hurts my Children.
Alas, usually a meeting with him is fatal for heroes, but we know that the moment of your final death has not yet come. So go to him and interrupt his existence for a while - until he is reborn again.


Illuian continues to struggle, but he has lost this battle.


An old friend and foe, he has witnessed so many events... Eternity is his punishment.



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