The Symbol of the Reds



Bring 10 Frightened Lion Cubs to Pin the Merciless.


Aha, reinforcements. I've served with the Reds for quite a while, but soon my term will be over and I'll be going back to Izune. I just can't bear to leave while we're losing though!

To add insult to injury, those damn Blues recently went on a rampage and killed all of our lions! They didn't even spare the lionesses or the cubs.

Fortunately the work those bastards do is pretty shoddy. Go and take a look inside the damaged dens - I'm sure there will still be some cubs inside. Gather as many as you can and bring them to me. I've always had a way with animals and I'll make sure they survive.


Did you find any?


Come here little guys! I'll be like a second mother to them. I'll feed them, keep them warm, and make sure they grow up right. I'm an orphan too, you know. I'll make sure they don't want for anything like I did!


Experience: +1100

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