The Goblin Captive



Kill Sinax and notify Denis Stepashin of your deeds.


Help me, please!

While I was taking a stroll around the parade grounds I ran into a gigantic hyena! I'm deathly afraid of the creatures - have you seen the size of their teeth? I know that the drill routine is starting soon, but there's no way I can get back unless that hyena dies or I learn to scale fences! ...You were sent to fetch the goblin musicians?

That's perfect then! Go kill the hyena for me - he's skulking around in that thicket, but I know he's watching me, waiting for me to move! Oh, he's so terrifying!

Once he's taken care of I'll be able to rush back to the parade grounds on my own.

C'mon, why are you standing there? Take him out before he strikes!


Would I ever have anything to do with those goblins again?! Not on your life, I swear on my uniform!


Ah, it was you that helped Lupas get back to the camp? Good job! We should invite you to give speeches to the new recruits, detailing all of the heroic things you've done lately. It would be good for their morale.


Experience: +1150

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