Souvenir from the Dead Sea



Bring the Skull of an Ancient Fish to Alexey Sinitsyn.


Amazing! These carp adore centipede legs! What a pity that there is only one little lake. I bet this area was once full of tons of wonderful fish! You're a land lubber, and I'm sure you don't understand, but when the Dead Sea was still alive there were some fascinating species here.

I once found the remains of a huge crosspyterian fish, but there were snakes all around it! They were like creatures from a nightmare. I've been terrified of snakes since my childhood, they give me the shakes!

Hey, I was thinking, how great would it be if I had the head of that fish! I could go back to my ship, hang it up on the captain's bridge, and make the entire Imperial fleet green with envy. What do you think? I hope you're not scared of snakes? Can you bring me this head? I'll reward you well for your efforts!


They say that the captain of the "Astral Destroyer" used to have the skull of an ancient fish hanging in his cabin, but someone threw a chair at it in a drunken rage and it shattered to pieces! It turned out it used to be made of plaster! What a scoundrel. I will find myself a real head.


Look at that ugly face! You and I are the first people in all of Sarnaut to see such a beast, no doubt about it.


Experience: +810

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