Back on the Road


Talk to Gerda about the hermits and visit Styr Ruff in the Fishermen's clan
  • Find Styr Ruff from the Fishermen clan


{username}, the most severe punishment on Isa is being banished into the mountains, beyond the bear's ridge. If a Gibberling can survive out there alone, they will most certainly be re-educated. And then they can be forgiven.
But if an exile's Thread breaks, all that remains of them is an empty stone in his clan's eternal boat. Just like my great-great...
This is so sad, {username}. Did they do something that got them exiled for good? Even in our Carpet of Fate, their threads disappeared completely without a trace - I tried looking for them...
I have an idea!
We'll go ourselves and find out!
I'm terribly afraid of sailing, but I have no choice!


Where do you want to go? To the Bear Land?
I didn’t think you could surprise me again after Lyngbakr, sea cadet!


Experience: +49020

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