To the north!



Get to the Bear Land on Styr Ruff's boat.
  • Stock up on Fire Mead 3/3
  • Report to Styr Ruff when you are ready
  • Board the boat
  • Get to the north
    (Wait until the boat leaves the fjord)


Oh, the Bear Land? Why do you want to go there? Aren't you afraid to die?
Okay, so be it! I'll take you all. I’ll take you there, but then you'll be on your own. Don't be mad, but my team is not ready to climb mountains yet!
Remember - in those parts Frost's breath is stronger than here. Don't even think about going there without mead - you'll freeze right away.


Well, that's it, sea cadet! My boat has never gone this far. You can get back on another boat - the water won't freeze for a while here.
Luck be with you!


Experience: +98040

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