The Creator's Trials: Marathon and Races



Participate in the Chariot race on Dionic Archipelago, the race on Kirah or the marathon on the Wandering Isle and report to Klim Pisarev on completion.
  • One of the two requirements completed
  • Race on Kirah finished
    (Races on Kirah start on schedule. See the schedule in the Calendar.)
  • Marathon on the Wandering Island finished
    (Marathons on the Wandering Island start on schedule. See the schedule in the Calendar.)
  • (Chariot Races on Dionic Archipelago start on schedule. See the schedule in the Calendar.)


Don't you sometimes get bored, when you neither feel like resting nor saving the world? This is when you should try a different kind of entertainment! Like races on Dionic Archipelago or Kirah or marathon on the Wandering Island. Trust me, they are really exciting!
Here is a trial for you - participate in a race or a marathon, and I will reward you with a meteorite fragment. Heroes need their leisure, too!


Each completed trial will reward you with a meteorite shard, which will keep you allod from being devoured by the Astral.


Well, the trial is complete. Here's your reward!



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