Versatile Translator



Bring 5 portions of mad mushroom pulp to Shot the Sober at the Imperial Outpost, brew mushroom wine and treat five aviak sentries and observers.


The world has two universal languages, the one is spoken by tongue, the other is understood by mind...
Harpoon has already spoken the first universal language to the red-feathered, and everyone has seen the result. The second language can be understood using a versatile translator, so to say... I'm preparing it right now. Judging by the latest news, we'll need more than one barrel of the translator to send our birdies to battle.
A true alchemist can always find materials to work with. Back on campus of our institute for alchemy and magic technology, we'd even use stools to make potions. Of all the raw materials I tried around here, mushroom pulp is the best. See them crawling around the camp? Crush them, gut them and bring the pulp here. Any questions? I'll cook it quick, and you'll feed our nestlings. This may even improve our relationship!


Aviaks and I tried various compositions, and now my tongue's out of control.


Patriotism, courage, readiness to die for the Motherland - I have a recipe for everything. Just bring me raw materials!



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