Blind Love



Find another player blinded by love and give them a Gift of Pure Love, or give a Gift of True Love to Lubava Charova to get rid of the love blindness.
  • Curse of Blind Love dispelled
    (Find another player blinded by love and give them a Gift of Pure Love, or give a Gift of True Love to Lubava Charova to get rid of the love blindness.)


Oh, what a bad luck! You are captured by a fatal passion. It happens when an arrow of passion strikes deep into your heart, causing strong emotions that paralyze your ability to see, hear or even think... You are blinded by love.

Here, take this Gift of Pure Love and present it to one who was blinded by love too, just like you. It will help you to understand that careless love is blind and dangerous.

I wish someone gave me a Gift of True Love! Sometimes I regret that I'm not loveblinded.


Blind love is foolish... but still attractive!


Now you should see the difference between true love and fatal passion, which ruined life of many beautiful girls and boys...



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