Star Shower



During a star shower, pick up 20 fallen stars and catch 15 Shimmering Star fragments, then take part in any activity and earn a little star as a reward.
Then drop by Jack Cheap and take a look at his goods.
  • Collect fallen stars 20/20
    (The forecast for the next star shower can be found in your calendar.)
  • Catch Shimmering Star fragments 15/15
    (The forecast for the next star shower can be found in your calendar.)
  • Receive a little star as a reward for any activity
  • Exchange little stars and sparklets at Jack Cheap's


Listen! You need to wait for a star shower to begin. It happens often in August - three times per hour! But this beautiful event lasts only a few minutes, so don't miss it!
During a star shower, stars will fall on the beach - if you pick one up, it will turn into star dust. Which is a very valuable resource!
If you have star dust, anyone in our tribe will offer you a reward for participating in an activity - a whole star in exchange for ten measures of star dust.
Sometimes you will see shimmering stars which break into colorful fragments. If you catch them, you will also receive star dust.


Stars will keep falling until the end of August! Come back soon!



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