Edifice of Human Destiny



Find out about missing ghosts from knowledgeable people.


{username}, I have an idea: ask those who may know something about the missing. I think there are four such people.
First of all, my brother Dmitry - he knows many people here and he travels often - I'm sure he has heard something.
Then there's Agrafena Svetlova who is called Grushenka here. She is a woman of dubious reputation, of course, but she lends money to people and has a lot of connections. And the ghosts trust her.
There is also Selifan... The coachman of one of the visiting businessmen. His work takes him all over the neighborhood, so I'm sure he has a lot to say.
And finally, the director of the visiting circus is a certain George. The circus is a crowded place, so who would know more than him?
I'm sure they will all want something in return, but I suppose you are used to it.


The slums need your help more than ever!


Ah, everything makes sense now, my friend!
We've learned a lot - now we need to talk to Chichikov, a buyer of dead souls!


Experience: +426300

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