Chestnut, let's go!



Find Pulcinella's dog.


{username}! Hey, hey, no need to swing your fists here!
I know Messere had an agreement with you... and we are, to some extent, allies.
Here they know me as George, the great impresario who brought entertainment to this dull land... And you seem to need information...
The thing is this: I had one very smart dog, called Chestnut because of the color... You see, someone scared the poor thing, and she ran away. If you find her, I'll help you!


Chestnut-colored dog! What's not clear?


You'd drive anyone to the grave...
If I tell you, will you leave me alone? Listen, a lot of mysterious things are going on here - a time traveler is weaving conspiracies, and the black monk is not as ordinary as you think.
I'm not Elleken, but I've seen a lot in my life. Believe me, new players have entered the game. We observe, we want to understand, but without Messere we cannot help you.


Experience: +319580

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