Whose shadow did I see?


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Level: 105
  • Required level: 104
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Zone:


Chase the ghosts away from the Cathedral.


The Goddess of Darkness confuses Sarnaut with her false miracles, {username}. She claims to have power over life and death, that she can revive the fallen... many believed that.
But only the Light can grant true resurrection. Hirkalla created a multitude of shadows, just ghosts of once living people - and now these false entities have surrounded the Cathedral. They are tempting our warriors and scaring citizens.
There's nothing we can do for them now - so I order you to chase them away.


The Sanctuary of Light is not a place for lost souls!


The Children of Light told me that the dead will resurrect in other worlds if the Light wills it. If their sins are too great, they must atone for them in the palaces of Ganzir.


Experience: +450225

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