Old Treasury



Steal the Fodiator from the hangar on Ferris.


Let's see how we can get there, {username}
I can make it there on my own. Taking you, however... I think we should get a ship.
The Eclipse? I'd rather not. It's Catherina's favorite toy, and she's loyal to me - why spoil our relationship?
Another option is one of the Architect's ships - the Fodiator. I was told it's still in the hangar on Ferris. We'll take it.
What will the Sculptor say? It doesn't matter!


The Sculptor is just a piece of the Architect. A talking brick.


Great, so the Gray Prince is on their way to the Seal on the Fodiator...
The Sculptor probably won't like the situation - but he remains antagonistic to me, so who cares?
Once we are done with the Light, any and all Orders will be next. Whether new or old...


Experience: +327845

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