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Obtain required energy from the Well of Souls


Where should we begin, {username}? First we need energy. A lot of energy!
The stronger an individual was in life, the more you need to revive them.
I don't have any to spare, but I know where we can get it. The Well of Souls - that's what we can use.
Cosmos and his legions of Aoidoi will probably object - but I don't give a damn! This lousy copy of Sarn does not recognize my authority. We haven't clashed head-to-heat yet, but there's a first time for everything.
You and the jinns will delay him while I'm performing the ritual...


Let's give Cosmos a flick on the nose!


Have you seen his face? Smug cretin!
Be careful with the likes of him and my sister. I would forbid travelling between worlds and realities. That's what messes up the multiverse and multiplicity of heroes.
You don't want that, do you? You don't. There will be no multiverse in Sarnaut while I rule!


Experience: +327845

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