To Oblomov



Take a carriage to Oblomov's house.
  • Take a carriage from Famusov Estate to Oblomov's house
  • Get to Oblomov's house


Ahem! What is this manner of speech...
Right, the one Gort told us about is a certain lazy gentleman... I realized who they are, {username}. His name is Ilya Oblomov, and as Alice claims, he was a famous landowner who devoted his whole life to improving the lives of his peasants and introducing new progressive methods of farming in his village of Oblomovka.
However, in our version of the story, Oblomov is a well-known idler who even broke off his engagement to his fiancée Olga because the effort involved in organizing a wedding was more than he could handle...
He managed to get married to some woman from the bourgeoisie - Agatha who takes care of him while he... lies on the sofa. Let's try to understand what exactly influenced this Oblomov... We could ask him himself, but will he talk to us?


Let's not delay...


What is this? Soon the time will be eleven, yet I am not yet up and washed!? Zakhar, Zakhar!


Experience: +116820

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