Extinguish the Lights


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Level: 107
  • Required level: 106
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Zone:


Eliminate 10 Paladins who infiltrated Hirkalla's territory, then report to Danas.


{username}, my friend! It's good to see you!
As you already know, when Hirkalla came to our world, she took control of all undead armies gathered by Dakkar and his apprentices.
Now these immortal warriors are stationed in Dar Leanos and Sardrok, to the north and south of here. As for us, the heroes of old - we serve the Goddess of Darkness as generals. We have no choice - the bonds of dark magic chaining our will are stronger than meteorite ore.
On the other hand, I don't sympathize with these warriors, the Paladins. They are quick to judge and execute. So this is my order: defend the bridges and knock the enemies out of their foothold on this bank.


They don't belong here.


Mission accomplished. Thank you for your service.
All we want now is peace. We've stood guard too long...


Experience: +322335

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