Wolves and Hares



Find the Huntsman, disguise yourself and find out what is going on.
  • Find the Huntsman
  • Assume a disguise
    (Do it where the Huntsman can't see you)
  • Question the Huntsman
    (He doesn't talk to strangers. You might want to disguise yourself as a vampire)
  • (You can absorb it with the Sparkton Pack from the Sparks of defeated enemies or from Sparks wandering through the streets)
  • Make a club contribution to the Huntsman
    (He doesn't talk to strangers. You might want to disguise yourself as a vampire)


Here's what we'll do, {username}.
I will give you a little thing that will deceive the eyes and scent of any ordinary vampire. And you will find this Huntsman and learn everything you can from him.
When the opportunity arises, I want you to thoroughly admonish on my behalf those who allow themselves to discredit the name of my House.


How can I be of help?


You are lucky: the scale of the hunt is truly unprecedented now. There are a lot of people in my lands wishing to participate - both among the "hares" and our brethren. Welcome!


Experience: +351050

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