In the Name of Free Trade!



Light up the eyes of three June statues at the Jakala Ruins and return to the Potbellied Family.
  • Third statue enchanted
  • First statue enchanted
  • Second statue enchanted


Are you Plu the Tightwad's partner? Great! That means you should be just the person for this job. Now listen up. There are these ancient June ruins nearby, but fifty years ago it was pillaged and anything of value was taken.

Nonetheless, the Historians have taken an interest in the place. They're planning to set up camp here and do some large-scale digging. So, who's going to supply them with the bare essentials? You guessed it - us!

We're this close to closing the deal and signing the contract. However, they're very finicky people and they decided they might want to shop around for other suppliers. That's why we need to convince them that they'll find a lot of interesting stuff there. Then they'll hurry up and choose us so they can set up camp as soon as possible.

There are three June statues in the ruins with their eyes open reaaally wide like this. Apparently, in ancient times a magic light would shine through their eyes and scare away evil spirits. If the Historians see the statues' eyes lit up, they'll be super excited.

Take this magical charge and use it on all three statues. It'll light up their eyes for a bit, and then you can come back here for a reward.


Deserters set up camp in the ruins, but they won't bother a seasoned warrior like you, will they?


Here's some coin and a note outlining how helpful you were! The Historians will be here soon, and I just know we'll get the contract. Thanks!


Experience: +1520

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