Lost Pearls



Gather 15 Giant Pearls and bring them to Semyon Skobelov.


The Jakala Ruins are now home to deserters from both the League and the Empire. A surprising truce indeed. I wish they would use it on something good, like promoting trade, but there's a slim chance of that happening!

They attacked me last night, robbed me and stole a batch of pearls. They're in the woods for pete's sake, what do they think they're gonna do with them?! I doubt they'll risk leaving their camps to sell them. If the rat bastards even know their worth.

I suppose they'll just use them to decorate their camp or something. If you're a true friend of the Free Traders, then go rescue those pearls from those cowardly bums! Of course, the rascals won't just hand them over. Apply as much force as necessary!


Have you recovered my majestic pearls?


Praise the Light! But what is this is? A scratch?! One of the pearls is scratched? How could this happen! This drops the price of the whole batch by half. Well, fine, I'll write you a note indicating the services you provided, but I'll definitely make a note of that scratch.


Experience: +1520

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