The Kingdom of Elements



Use the portable teleporter to the Kingdom of Elements and meet the Collector of Rarities.


Have you ever heard of the Kingdom of Elements?
It's an Astral isle recently discovered by a group of brave travelers who jumped into a previously unknown wormhole. It was a piece of land with some ruins and an old June portal. the travelers managed to activate it.
There was also a volcano in the middle of the isle that started erupting a few months ago and split the land apart. The cataclysm awakened elemental spirits that were sleeping in the depths. Many people were interested in this phenomenon, and soon first explorers, including the Collector of Rarities, an Overlord's servant, arrived to the Kingdom of Elements. Collector of Rarities is looking for those who can help him in his explorations. Remember, this place is dangerous. Aggressive elemental spirits are ready to incinerate, crush, or freeze anyone who steps into their territory. But if you're not afraid, you can gain invaluable experience and a hefty reward for your help in the research.


Did Hugues de Delice send you?


Kingdom of Elements represents a great opportunity for our research. Unfortunately, local dwellers do not feel enthusiastic about it, that's why we need heroes like you to gather materials for research.


Experience: +5045

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